Benjamin Bacon one said" Money is a good servent but a bad Master" the truth about money is it has to be kept one place.

The iron law of money is, the more value you give to people the more money you will attract, and the more you keep,the more money you will have. Money is not an evil object but a means of exchanging something. 

Researchers have learned that earning more than $75K a year does, in fact, make you happier. 

More than 10 years ago, researchers suggested that money can buy happiness, and that it costs about $75,000 a year. A complicated and nuanced study by Nobel Prize winning economists explained that money increased happiness, but that things tended to plateau around $75,000. Any less and sadness increased, but earning more didn’t add to a sense of wellbeing. The research worked its way into opinion pages and launched a thousand blogs. 

The obvious appeal of the idea is that money can buy happiness in the sense that it can provide for basic necessities and stability, but not much beyond that, meaning that multi billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are much richer but not all that happier than the rest of us. The only problem with this idea is that it's wrong, and that we'd all obviously be much happier if we had millions of dollars. 

How a person views money determined a lot about the role money played in their happiness. “What does life look like for someone who doesn’t earn a lot, but says money isn’t important?” He said. “I don’t have a great answer to that, I don’t know. But I know that they’re there and I know they’re enjoying life just about as much as similar people who earn a lot more". 

Can Money buy Happiness ?

Being Rich Isn’t Necessarily the Path to Happiness. Money is important to happiness. Ask anyone who doesn’t have it. Having a higher income, for example, can give us access to homes in safer neighborhoods, better health care and nutrition, fulfilling work, and more leisure time. However, this only works up to a certain point.

Most people think that spending money on themselves will make them happier than spending it on other people. Yet, when researchers assess happiness before and after people spend an annual bonus, people report greater happiness when they spend the bonus money on others or donate it to charity than when they spend it on themselves.

One reason for this phenomenon is that giving to others makes us feel good about ourselves.

Are you looking for something to keep you happy, reading books can also do the job. Always keep yourself happy all the time.
